Camping is an outdoor recreational activity involving overnight stays away from home in a shelter such as a tent, a caravan, or even a motorhome. Camping in Manali means relaxation in the lap of nature. Away from the hectic city life, Manali is having the dense woodlands, cedar forests. The crisp mountain air beckon the nature lovers to this enchanting land. These camping are arranged by package tour providers who have arrangements for tent accommodation including tents, sleeping bags, matress and also three time meals in particular camping grounds. The best months for camping in Manali are from April to middle of June and from the middle of September to the first half of October. Adventure programme for 6nights/7days , 5nights/6 days , 3nights/4days The programme will consist of: • Camping • Trekking • Basic rock climbing • River crossing • Rappelling • Group tasks • Group discussions • Lectures on various topics like mountaineering, weather, Himalayan ecology etc. by qualified instructors from both mountaineering and skiing fields.